Tuesday 25 August 2009

Falho Baiy (papaya rice)

things needed:

1/2 papaya (when picking the papaya, look for one that is green and hard, with little yellow patches, that shows signs of ripening, i.e, "risseyolee falho"
coconut milk

How to make

Cut the papaya in about 1 cm thin cubes. Cook the rice with 1 mug of not-so diluted coconut milk and some salt. just when u start seeing the ccoked rice grains below the bubbling liquid, add the chopped papaya and give it a gentle mix.
The remaining fluid will cook the papaya along with the rice.

Best served with rihaakuru dhiya, and hikimas/valho mas.

Cooking tip: in a haste to boil potatoes? peel and cut them in medium cubes, put in a plastic bag, punch a few holes, and put in the microwave! takes about 5-7 minutes! If the bag keeps bloating up, keep punching more holes.